Featured In "Best Company" As The Minnesota Car Concierge
It feels good to be recognized.
In August, Car Concierge and owner Andrew Guthmiller were featured in an article on “Best Company”, the independent research consumer website.
As one of four experts chosen from across the country, Andrew was able to provide insights into how the car buying industry works, and why people are drawn to using a car buying service like Car Concierge. From the article, by Anne-Marie Hays:
"'Whether you end up buying a new or used car, with a concierge at your side, says Guthmiller, 'You gain a non-biased advisor who is only interested in what most greatly benefits you, meaning we aren’t attached to any brand or bank. We just want to find you your best options.'"
For the best information about whether to trust a car concierge or not, always turn to the reviews. For Andrew and Car Concierge, that means you’ll head to their Reviews page, where you’ll find 65+ 5-star reviews to build your trust!
Whether you know a ton about cars or not, a car concierge is a great way to find what you’re looking for without all the hassle. Again, from the “Best Company” article:
"One part of that stress is often the research, especially for someone who worries that they don’t know enough about cars. 'We take care of all research required to get you the answers you need without any pressure from the dealership to buy a car,' he says. What a dream."
"It's exciting to be featured on a website with national exposure," Andrew said. “We’ve had clients from across the country already, but we are hoping to expand our audience and introduce the idea of Car Concierge to more and more people."
Special thanks to:
Anne-Marie Hays, Content Management at “Best Company”.